
Zi Tao Chua (b. 1999) is a Singaporean composer who explores his musical identity through various modes of duality, such as the divergence and convergence between science and culture. His works ranges from vivid cultural soundscapes to radical experimental glitches while exploiting the possibilities of conventional acoustic settings to interactive sonic art installations. These combinations can be seen as either a reflection or juxtaposition with the current world. Chua has collaborated and premiered his pieces globally with various ensembles such as Les Eclats du Son (DE), Art Percussion Ensemble (IT), B-L Duo (SG), Tacet(i) Ensemble (TH); and musicians such as Carolin Ralser and Andreas Marinello.

While exploring composition in new media, Chua has worked with artists from different disciplines. In 2024, Chua performed in Four Blank Walls, a collaboration between four musicians under the guidance of electronic music artist Syafiq Halid to create an hour-long experimental music performance. Chua has also worked with Singaporean choreographer Dan Kwoh to present Grief (2021), a dance performance which Exuviation (2021) was written for. Chua was also involved with the Runaway Co., performing keyboard arrangements for the musical The Story of Tonight (2020), and co-led radio play The World We Live In (2020).


Outside of composition, Chua is also an active pianist who has demonstrated his flair in the Inter-Junior College Vivace Piano Ensemble Competition, achieving Gold with Commendation in both 2016 and 2017. He was also one of the six finalists in the 2018 Kingsburg International Piano Competition. Chua also attained 2nd prize in the Ensemble under 35 category of the Gold Star International Music Competition 2024. During his candidature in university, he was involved in concerts with the National University of Singapore Piano Ensemble, such as the annual flagship concerts TOUCH 2021 and TOUCH 2024.


In his own time, Chua researches on Southeast Asian music and arts. During his short stint in Thailand, he picked up Ranad Thum, a Thai marimba, while engaging the community to understand Thai art forms. Back in Singapore, he is an active member of Singa Nglaras, a Javanese Gamelan ensemble.


He has graudated from the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music in the National University of Singapore with a Highest Distinction in Bachelor of Music (Composition) under the tutelage of Peter Ivan Edwards and Chen Zhangyi.