
Composition for an Electric Ensemble (2022)


  • 2022 (premiere)

    International Composition Institute of Thailand (ICIT), Int-Act Festival 2022

    Bangkok Arts and Cultural Centre

    Tacet(i) Ensemble

Composition for an electric ensemble sets the stage for instruments to interact with a computer programme which creates soundscapes that typical acoustic instruments cannot produce. The use of the quarter-inch static adds on to the overall sonic experience of the piece, notably serving as a drone texture in most parts of the piece. Interactions between instruments happen often, where a drone can serve as the modulator frequency for a Frequency Modulation (FM) event. The computer programme steps through these various events throughout the piece, creating an overall experience of contrast between a bustling and rhythmic sound world against a sparse and quasi-improvisatory section.

The signal processing is created using a MaxMSP patch. The various input channels are routed into the patch and gated at different points of the piece. Parameters such as reverb, delay, and panning are mostly controlled by the patch, with occasional ones carried out on the guitar effects pedals.


Scapes (2023) for 2 keyboards, speakers, electronics, and video


Greenfield, Brownfield (2022) for fixed media