
Singularity (2020) for solo alto saxophone


  • 2022

    Composition Student Concert

    College of Music, Mahidol University

    Jing Hong Lim

  • 2021 (Premiere)

    Soundbites: Expert Interpreter

    Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music

    Andreas Marinello

Singularity revolves around the idea of exploiting the many possibilities that one single tone, C, has to offer. At the same time, the Fibonacci sequence is used as a tribute to the contributions of great scientists of Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking, where their theories about gravity and black holes (singularities) have changed the course of physics and mathematics in the past 50 years. As the centre of a black hole is a gravitational singularity, the one-dimensional point contains a huge mass in an infinitely small space. From this concept, I explored the basis of one single note, where it contains a huge potential for expression in different ways. While the piece starts out expressing a singular note in a conventional way through the repetition of a note. Other approaches are then slowly explored such as addition of neighbour tones, variation of vibrato speeds, distortion through multiphonics, and also bisbigliando.


Paddy Fields (2021) for solo khaen